If you are on this page of Valley Assembly’s website, you have found a painted rock, scanned a QR Code, and are probably wondering what this is all about.
So, here’s the story:
We have a ministry at Valley Assembly called Valley Kids. We meet almost every Wednesday afternoon throughout most of the school year. This year we began learning to “Dream Big”.
We learned from Moses who had a big dream to see God’s face. Because of God’s holiness, Moses could not look directly at His face without dying. So God put Moses on a rock and said He would protect him with His hand until He passed by Moses. Then Moses could look at God as He walked by. We learned this was a picture of what Jesus, Who is called the Rock, would do for us by dying on a cross and being raised back to life forever by God. By His actions, Jesus, Who knew no sin, became sin, that we might become the right standing of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus hides us in Himself, the Rock.
We then began to explore a parable Jesus shared in what is called “the Sermon on the Mount” where He taught those there and us today about who He is, His kingdom, how we are to follow Him, and even how to pray. The parable is about a wise man and a foolish man. The wise man is the one who hears the words (teaching) of Jesus and puts them into practice. This man is said to have built his house upon the rock. The foolish man hears the words(teaching) and doesn’t put them into practice. He is said to build his house upon sand. When troubles of this life arise, the wise man's house stands because his house is built on the rock. The foolish man’s house crumbles because it is built on sand.
Which house are you building?
The kids painted on these rocks pictures that remind them to dream big and trust in Jesus, The Rock. They wanted to share them with you.
Pastor Terry
P.S. If you have questions or we can serve you in any way, please call me at the church 406-842-4845 or my cell 406-951-2677.
If you are on this page of Valley Assembly’s website, you have found a painted rock, scanned a QR Code, and are probably wondering what this is all about.
So, here’s the story:
We have a ministry at Valley Assembly called Valley Kids. We meet almost every Wednesday afternoon throughout most of the school year. This year we began learning to “Dream Big”.
We learned from Moses who had a big dream to see God’s face. Because of God’s holiness, Moses could not look directly at His face without dying. So God put Moses on a rock and said He would protect him with His hand until He passed by Moses. Then Moses could look at God as He walked by. We learned this was a picture of what Jesus, Who is called the Rock, would do for us by dying on a cross and being raised back to life forever by God. By His actions, Jesus, Who knew no sin, became sin, that we might become the right standing of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus hides us in Himself, the Rock.
We then began to explore a parable Jesus shared in what is called “the Sermon on the Mount” where He taught those there and us today about who He is, His kingdom, how we are to follow Him, and even how to pray. The parable is about a wise man and a foolish man. The wise man is the one who hears the words (teaching) of Jesus and puts them into practice. This man is said to have built his house upon the rock. The foolish man hears the words(teaching) and doesn’t put them into practice. He is said to build his house upon sand. When troubles of this life arise, the wise man's house stands because his house is built on the rock. The foolish man’s house crumbles because it is built on sand.
Which house are you building?
The kids painted on these rocks pictures that remind them to dream big and trust in Jesus, The Rock. They wanted to share them with you.
Pastor Terry
P.S. If you have questions or we can serve you in any way, please call me at the church 406-842-4845 or my cell 406-951-2677.